GATOM work programme

The first phase of the work programme sought to develop an overview of existing VET/adult education measures suitable for (re) qualification in the framework of occupational change. The identification of respective education/training instruments in the investigated sectors was conducted at national level having regard for the following criteria:

The necessary data were gathered in the form of desk research in March–May 2008, and were supplemented by qualitative interviews with representatives of training providers.

Additionally and to analyse whether the VET/adult education system is generally suitable for people changing occupation who are already in employment, the requirements of the enterprises and labour market participants were investigated through qualitative interviews. In each GATOM partner country, fifteen interviews were held with SMEs in the construction, tourism and healthcare sectors in order to analyse their views on the qualification needs of employees and the most suitable ways to acquire them.

Similarly, 15 interviews per country were held with labour market participants who had either experienced an occupational change or were in the process of doing so. These focussed on their experiences with (re-)qualification courses in terms of fostering and hindering factors, beneficial methods and support as well as potential improvement.